The COVID-19 pandemic has finally revealed what millions of working people have always known — they are ESSENTIAL to ensuring we have everything we need. From the farmworkers to the grocery store clerks, the nurses and hospital staff, to the delivery drivers and warehouse workers — and so many more — we are essential. Not just during the pandemic — but ALWAYS.
ALWAYS ESSENTIAL is working people, activists, and organizations joining together to transform what’s possible for essential workers — especially those in low-wage sectors who are disproportionately Black and other workers of color. We are working in cities, counties, states, and at the federal level to put essential workers first and build the lasting change we want to see.
Together, we can and will win improve health and safety standards, better pay, and working conditions for essential workers. We can strengthen workplace power for a broad set of workers in essential sectors and negotiate with stakeholders for higher standards, while also taking on issues that are important to working people.